

Issue 6 - Reminder on Compliance to Code of Professional Conduct of MCHK (只提供英文版本)

Dear Doctor,

Thank you for your participation and continual support to the Programme. 

Under the GOPC PPP, participating patients can seek for care on chronic and/or episodic illness(es) at a given subsidized visit, and receive drugs for treating the corresponding illness(es).

During medical consultations, under any circumstances, a doctor should observe and follow the Code of Professional Conduct (“the Code”) of the Medical Council of Hong Kong (MCHK). Medical examination(s) may be indicated depending on the patient’s clinical need(s). For any intimate examination(s) of a patient, according to the Code, it is recommended to be conducted in the presence of a chaperone to the knowledge of the patient.

For your ease of reference, relevant paragraph of the Code is extracted as below: 

1.2.4 An intimate examination of a patient is recommended to be conducted in the presence of a chaperone to the knowledge of the patient. If the patient requests to be examined without a chaperone, it is also recommended to record the request in the medical records.

You may also wish to read the attached article on chaperones published by the Medical Protection Society (UK) for supplementary information. 

The above information provides only a general overview of the topic, a medicolegal adviser should be approached should you require specific advice.

Should you have any enquiries regarding the GOPC PPP, please feel free to contact us at gopcppp@ha.org.hk or via the Programme hotline 2300 7300 (after selecting language, press 5 to speak direct with our hotline staff).

Thank you very much.

Yours faithfully, 

Connie LAU 
Manager (Transformation Project) 
Hospital Authority