Refer Back Function under Co-care Service Model
Dear Doctors,
The newly launched Co-care Service Model riding on the GOPC PPP aims to extend target patients from HA General Outpatient Clinics (GOPCs) to Specialist Outpatient Clinics (SOPCs). The Model was pilot launched from 3Q 2021 onwards, eligible patients who are attending at Medicine or Orthopaedics & Traumatology SOPCs of designated clusters, fulfilling the pre-defined clinical criteria and are in stable conditions, would be invited by batches to opt for receiving continued chronic disease management under your care. The Co-care Service Model would be reviewed along with the pilot implementation and for stepwise roll-out to other specialties.
New Function - “Refer Back”
We are pleased to introduce a unique function “Refer Back” of Co-care Service Model which is a designated referral mechanism newly developed under the existing IT platform to facilitate referral back to the SOPC for patients under the Co-care Service Model with change of clinical condition under the care by Participating Service Providers (PSPs). The new “Refer Back” function allows you to make electronic referral by reverting SOPC referred patients back to their originally referred specialty for reassessment if clinically indicated. Upon receiving the electronic referral, HA staff will gather preliminary information and communicate with you via telephone/ facsimile to discuss the handling of the case.
To initiate the referral mechanism, simply follow the three steps as stipulated below:

Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact us at or via Programme hotline 2300 7300 for assistance (after selecting language, press “5” to speak directly with our hotline staff). Thank you for your attention.
Yours faithfully,
GOPC PPP Programme Office
Hospital Authority