

Issue 36 - Delegation of Clinic Administrator Role (只提供英文版本)

Dear Doctors,

We would like to bring up for your attention in case you’re not aware of a useful function available in the GOPC PPP IT platform that enables you to assign a staff of your clinic to take care of the administrative work of the Programme on your behalf. Please find below some highlights of the function for your information.

e-Bulletin Issue 36

If any of your clinic staff has already possessed an eHRSS account, just filled in the attached “Clinic Administrator” enrolment form and return to us by e-mail gopcppp@ha.org.hk or fax to 2199 9622 for us to follow up. It usually takes not more than 14 days for the function to become effective. For clinic staff who yet to register eHRSS, please contact eHRSS hotline 3467 6230 for assistance.

Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact us by email or via Programme hotline 2300 7300 for assistance (after selecting language, press “5” to speak directly with our hotline staff). Thank you for your attention.

Yours faithfully,
GOPC PPP Programme Office
Hospital Authority