

Issue 13 - Raising People’s Awareness of Appropriate Use of Anti-biotics (只提供英文版本)

Dear Doctor,

Thank you for your participation and continual support to the Programme. 

The 4th World Antibiotic Awareness Week 2018 will take place from 12-18 November 2018 according to the WHO website: http://www.who.int/campaigns/world-antibiotic-awareness-week/en/.

To advocate WHO, Centre for Health Protection (CHP) has launched the Hong Kong Strategy and Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (2017-2022) since July 2017. It outlines key areas, objectives and actions to contain the growing threat of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in Hong Kong. One of its key areas is to optimise the use of antibiotics through implementation of Antibiotic Stewardship Programme (ASP). The link in CHP webpage: https://www.chp.gov.hk/en/features/49811.html gives details of the ASP.

While healthcare professionals advising patients on the use and choice of antibiotics with reference to evidence-based guidelines, patients should also be reminded to practice good hand hygiene, maintain cough etiquette, ensure vaccinations up to date and prepare food hygienically in order to contribute to the containment of AMR.

Should you have any enquiries regarding the GOPC PPP, please feel free to contact us at gopcppp@ha.org.hk or via the Programme hotline 2300 7300 (after selecting language, press 5 to speak directly with our hotline staff).

Yours sincerely,

Connie LAU
Manager (Transformation Project)
GOPC PPP Programme Office 
Hospital Authority