Cataract Surgeries Programme (CSP)
Patients on HA clusters’ routine cataract surgery waiting lists can join the Programme, and receive cataract surgeries performed by private ophthalmologists.
In the event of conflict between this FAQ and the terms and conditions of the Cataract Surgeries Programme, the latter shall prevail.

FAQ for patients version date: Jun 2024

FAQ for doctor version date: May 2024

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Services package & subsidy

About eHRSS

Service fee for PSPs


About the programme

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  1. Will HA assign patients who join this Programme to private ophthalmologists for the Cataract Surgery?

    Patients who join the Programme can make reference to the list of the participating private ophthalmologists sent to them and are free to choose his/her own private ophthalmologist.

    A number of patients who are “Waiver Eligible Patients” may consult private ophthalmologists who are willing to offer Cataract Surgery at HK$8,000, without Co-Payment.

  2. What are the requirements for a private ophthalmologist wishing to join this Programme?

    Any medical practitioner who is currently included in the Specialist Register in the specialty of ophthalmology, in accordance with Section 20K of the Medical Registration Ordinance (Cap. 161, the Laws of Hong Kong), may apply to participate in the Programme upon invitation by HA or on their own volition.

    The private ophthalmologist who participates in this Programme should also follow the “Guideline on Infection Control Practice” and must have in place appropriate and adequate professional indemnity insurance.

    The participating private ophthalmologist shall personally perform the Cataract Surgery and personally provide to the patient the other services under the package or agreed with the patient.  For details, please refer to the Terms and Conditions of the Programme.

  3. What is the maximum fee that a private ophthalmologist can charge the patients under this Programme?
    The amount of co-payment agreed between the patient and the private ophthalmologist cannot exceed HK$8,000. The private ophthalmologist can redeem the subsidy amount of HK$8,000 from Hospital Authority (HA).  
  4. What will be the service arrangement for “Waiver Eligible Patients” who choose to complete cataract surgery under the Programme?
    HA shall compile a list of private ophthalmologists and set out on the list for the private ophthalmologists who are willing to undertake cataract surgery at the amount of subsidy (without co-payment) for “Waiver Eligible Patients” so that these patients can approach these private ophthalmologists.
  5. How to know the patient is a “Waiver Eligible Patient”?
    The private ophthalmology can verify patient’s waiver status when doing Subsidy Logging Procedure. There is checkbox for various waiver status and the private ophthalmologist can click the appropriate box to verify.
  6. What is the service package from the private ophthalmologist?
    The Package includes one pre-operative assessment, the Cataract Surgery (including one appropriate basic monofocal intraocular lens and all medical consumables) and 2 post-operative checks. The package should be the same for any patients irrespective of the co-payment amount.
  7. Can a private ophthalmologist change the “designated” eye for the Cataract Surgery under this Programme?
    The private ophthalmologist whom a patient has selected for Cataract Surgery may notify HA for the change when doing Subsidy Logging, subject to clinical assessment on the condition of the patient’s eyes.
  8. Do all private ophthalmologists who join the Cataract Surgeries Programme have to register in the Electronic Health Record Sharing System (eHRSS)?
    All private ophthalmologists who enroll to this Programme are required to register in the eHRSS. The eHRSS allows the private ophthalmologists to access the patient’s clinical information in HA. It also allows a 2-way public-private patient information exchange by sharing diagnosis or treatment records to enhance continuity of care for the patient.
  9. How should the private ophthalmologists equip themselves for accessing the eHRSS?
    Basically, an eHR-compatible computer system connected to internet is sufficient for accessing eHRSS. Private ophthalmologists can refer to the Manual and User Guide for Healthcare Providers for details. (Softcopy of the Manual and User Guide can be downloaded from eHRSS under User Documents after login)
  10. How do I report to HA if a patient experienced complications after operation?

    The private ophthalmologist should report to HA by faxing a Reporting Form as soon as possible and in any event within 48 hours for 3 types of complications where reporting is mandatory.  In addition, all complications should be reported under the eHRSS which will generate regular reports to HA.

  11. Why I am unable to find the patient in the CSP IT Module?

    Patient information should have been uploaded to the CSP IT Module before Invitation is sent out.  The private ophthalmologist should get sharing consent of eHRSS from the patient before accessing to patient profile under CSP IT Module. 

  12. How can private ophthalmologists know the receipt of subsidy from HA?
    The private ophthalmologists will receive remittance advice from HA Bankers via email for the payment of subsidy amount by HA.  The private ophthalmologists may check the claim number shown on the remittance advice for the received subsidy amount.  It is very important for the private ophthalmologist to keep HA updated of the email address to receive the remittance advice.