Radiation Therapy Service Public-Private Partnership Programme (RT PPP)
Patients who fulfil programme eligibility and are referred by the Clinical Oncology Department of Hospital Authority can choose to receive radiation therapy service provided by private service provider.

Radiation Therapy

HA is now implementing the Radiation Therapy Service Public-Private Partnership Programme to divert some patients to receive specific radiation therapy service at private sector. Eligible patients referred by Clinical Oncology Department of HA may choose to receive radiation therapy service provided by private service provider.

Service Package

Each referred patient will receive doctor consultation, mould preparation (if needed), radiation therapy simulation, radiation therapy treatment planning, delivery of radiation therapy and peri-procedural care for the radiation therapy etc. from service provider.

Patient Fee

Project patients only need to pay the same HA standard fees and charges for specialist outpatient clinic as well as day procedure and treatment at HA Clinical Oncology Clinic as stipulated in the Gazette.