General Outpatient Clinic Public-Private Partnership Programme (GOPC PPP)
Patients fulfilling pre-defined clinical criteria and programme requirements and who have been attending HA Outpatient Clinic for at least 12 months will be invited to join the Programme to receive primary care service from the private sector.


Issue 48 - Extensive Choice of Investigation Service Sites


issue 48 eBulletin for IxPPP


Extensive Choice of Investigation Service Sites for Patients


Dear Doctors,


Under the new investigation service arrangement, the Investigation Request Notes that you issue will include a list of service sites from designated private laboratories.


Patients may select any service site displayed on the investigation Request Notes and schedule their appointment to receive programme-specific investigation services at no charge.  X-ray services will continue to be handled by the Hospital Authority (HA).


Programme-Specific Investigation Services:

Service provided by designated private laboratories

Service provided by HA

- Blood test

- Urine test

- Sputum tests

- ECG examination

- X-ray examination


HA has informed patients on the above arrangement. Thank you for your support.



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