General Outpatient Clinic Public-Private Partnership Programme (GOPC PPP)
Patients fulfilling pre-defined clinical criteria and programme requirements and who have been attending HA Outpatient Clinic for at least 12 months will be invited to join the Programme to receive primary care service from the private sector.


Issue 49 - Reminder to Maintain Listing in the PCD

eBulletin for CME reminder

Reminder to Maintain Listing in the Primary Care Directory (PCD)


Dear Doctors,


To participate in the GOPC PPP, you must be enlisted in the PCD.  Please ensure you maintain your listing by earning at least 30 continuing medical education (CME) points annually.


For details on CME programme administrators / providers / accreditors, please visit


For more information on PCD, please visit their website at, or email, or call 3576 3658.



Hotline: 2300 7300

GOPC Website:

GOPC email: