Dear Doctors,
With the unwavering support of all the doctors, over 50,000 patients have benefited from this programme since its inception in 2014.
In the next few years, GOPC PPP will gradually integrate with the Chronic Disease Co-Care Pilot Scheme (CDCC).
We understand that you may have questions regarding this integration. We cordially invite you to participate in the upcoming webinar with significant updates of the CDCC and upcoming integration with GOPC PPP to gain more information and prepare early.
Webinar on Latest Outlook of CDCC (Zoom)
Date: 4 March 2025 (Tuesday)
Time: 1:00pm - 2:30pm
Registration link and method have been previously sent via email. Should you have any questions or enquiries, kindly contact the programme office directly.
- CDCC latest developments and outlook
- CDCC latest arrangement for dyslipidaemia screening
- Roadmap for GOPC PPP integration with CDCC
It will provide important information and insights. Hope you will join us!
Please register by 27 February 2025.
Hotline: 2300 7300
GOPC Website: https://www4.ha.org.hk/ppp/ppp-programmes/gopcppp/programme-intro
GOPC email: gopcppp@ha.org.hk